
2013年7月17日 星期三

【Emiko】閱後心得:The holiday camp mystery

The holiday camp mystery

Simon and John went to a summer camp.  They should live in a tent outside.  And they can also watched how the foreman build the camp.  The two brothers wanted to go adventure in a cave, then they did.  Simon and John found many tunnels and small caves in the biggest one.  They turned on the torches, and walked to a floor that build by rocks.  They climbed up the steps and go to another caves.  Two boys used the torches to make lighter, then they saw a cave, outside was sea.  There was the entrance!  Simon and John went out of the cave, and sat nearby the sea.  But over there, there was a strange man look at them.  Two brothers knew the man was strange, so they ran back to the holiday camp, told this adventure to their father.  He was worry about that, then he took some policeman to talk with the boys.

After one week, the camp building finished.  Simon and John's young cousins Peter and Jane also came.  They went to the dived race.  Four people all had excellent scores.  At night, two senior boys can't slept.  So they went outside and look at the sea.  Suddenly, they saw that strange man!  They called the policeman, and they went to the caves again.  Two brothers and the policeman found some thing that useful, then they caught the strange man.  And the boys' holiday camp had a happy ending.

I think this story is really cool and exciting!  It tells me about two teenagers adventure, and they make the bad things better.  I like this book so much.  I wish the author can writes more great stories like this book!


這次到日本旅遊,期間,Emiko 都會自告奮勇的說要幫大家用英文點菜、結帳、問路...雖然日本人的英文真的不是很OK,但,有一回在『二條城』遇到一位英文非常好的人(不確定是不是日本人),她用很流利的英文說了一堆有關站牌的事。我大概只聽懂70%,有一個重點『除了XX 號車子不能搭以外,其它的都可以』我沒聽懂,但,William 和 Emiko都聽懂了。我很驚訝的問emiko,妳全部都聽得懂嗎?她回說,都很簡單,我全部都聽懂。


