放學的途中 Emiko 分享了她今天考數學期中考的心路歷程。她說,有一題她真的不會,
我今天心情也很好。Good Job, Emiko!
英文補習班的英文作業 ─ If Endangered Animals Could Talk (DRAFT)
Dear humans,
I'm a blue whale. Don't be scared, I just want to tell you about a fact: you are injuring us!
Before I wrote this letter, I saw one of my friend was in blood, some humans threw a big net to catch her. I felt so scared and painful until now, then I write this letter. Please stop killing more blue whales, the sea area where we're living, are all in red blood. That looks really horrible to see!
Please save us, we and you are equal, the different is between our species. Just species! Humans can't kill whales just because we're not the same. Now, just a few blue whales are survival in the world, others usually die because of humans. Please find your conscience to rescue us, we are important animals in the sea, there will be lose color without us. Dear humans, please stop your works now, read this letter seriously!
聯絡簿小日記 (4/23)