昨天是英文補習班整套學習課程的最後一堂課,歡樂的 Party Time。
上課前 Emiko 有些不解的問,怎麼上到最後,我們這一班只剩下六個人。我說,這是一定的。這個課程至少上了五年之久,五年是段很長的時間,其中的變化非常多。有些同學搬家了、有些同學上國中了、也有些同學念不下去了...
猶記得當時幫 Emiko 報名時,老闆娘有說過上完他們這套課程,國中的英文絕對沒問題。對這句話我是有所保留的,如果對這套課程『完全吸收』的話,應付國中的英文肯定是沒問題的。但是,拿這次最後一次的英文大考來看,同學們的成績落差非常大,甚至有不及格的分數出現。所以,還是要看孩子們的吸收狀況來定論。最後一次的英文大考,Emiko 依舊拿到了一個漂亮的成績,在英文學習這一塊,她真的是輕鬆又愉快。
為了測試她目前的程度,我在教育部網站列印了103國中教育會考英文參考題,預計下週找時間讓 Emiko 做做看。
英文補習班的課程完成後,Emiko 有一段休息時間,直到六月中左右,補習班會另開一班『菁英班』,主要在加強英文寫作這個區塊,上課時間也變成一週一次,二個小時。
意思就是說,往後,Emiko 週間的時間會變得充裕些,這對她來說,真是件好消息。
底下是 Emiko 這次英文大考在 Writing Test 部份所寫的文章,寫得不算太好。但,在時間限制、沒有字典可查之下能寫出這麼長的文章,還是相當厲害。
Why is it important to learn English?
Now, there are many English speakers in the world. Why is English important? Why do many people speak English? What are good points if we learn English?
Some people think English isn't important. They think English is just a language that some people use. Some people don't think there are many English speakers now, they think "their languages" are the most "international". Some people think there aren't any good points to learning English.
English is really important now. English is easy to speak and learn, it is the international language. If you don't learn English, sometimes your life will have less color. England was such a strong country in the 18 century, this country had lots of colonies, so English is their official language until now. And good points to learn English? Some foreigners come to Taiwan. If they don't know where they can go, then you can tell some great places to them if you learn English very well. When we grow up to get jobs, maybe we will meet some foreign customers. We can talk to them well if we learn English.
English is an important language. I am so grateful to my Mom because she took me to XXX English School to learn English when I was in grade 1. Now, my English is great in my class. When I grow up, I want to talk with foreigners with my excellent English!