March's family had four girls. The oldest sister was Meg, sixteen. She was a pretty, gentle girl. The second sister was Jo- or Josephine, fifteen. She look tall and smark, she was the most boyish girl in four sisters. The third sister was Elizabeth - or Beth, thirteen. She was really quiet and happyness, when the others were upset, she could make them more happy. The youngest sister was Amy, twelve. She was very cute, and she thought that she was young lady, so she was mindful at her manner.
Christmas was arrive, but this happy day didn't give four girls a lot of happy. They didn't have much money to buy some presents for themselves, poor life couldn't give they too much expensive things.
Suddenly, Beth had a great idea! She told another three sisters that give their mother four gifts, but they couldn't get gifts for themselves. Meg, Jo and Amy all agreed that. Meg will have given Mom pairs of warm gloves, Jo will have given pairs of army shoes, Beth will have given a handkerchief with hemmed, Amy will have get a littel bottel of Cologne.
Then, Christmas came. Four girls all prepared the gifts for Mom, but they didn't see Amy. Then Amy came. She changed the little bottle Cologne to the big one. Sisters were so surprise about Amy's generous! Suddenly, their Mom came home. She came in with Meg, when she saw the present, she was really move! In the evening, Meg, Jo, Beth, Amy and their neightbor played act called" The Witch's Curse, an Operatice Tragedy". They were sucess of play act, everyone clapped their hand. Four girls Mom - Mrs. March got flourishing dinner for girls. What a wonderful Christmas they had!
I think March's family was really hopeful. They didn't have a lot of money, but they were still happy and work hard. Look at four girls! They gave their presents to their mother, they didn't like live a life of pleasure, they should do so much chores! They helped the others, and four girls didn't murmur at their life. I really admire them, and I want learn more of them.

前天晚上和emiko提了一下這個暑假她只寫了一篇英文心得,似乎太少了,要不要再練習寫一篇?她立即答應了,也在書架上找出一本『Little Women 小婦人』。這本書是中英文對照版,會挑這本書是有點投機取巧的意味。但,我主要的目的是希望Emiko練習英文的書寫,因此,中英文對照版的書也就沒有太大的差別。
她花了近二個小時才完成這篇英文心得,比較特別的是有一段重複用了一種 『will + 過去完成式』 的未來完成式文法。我問她怎麼會這樣用?

昨天是英文補習班開PA的日子,也就是公佈英文大考成績的時候。大考前,Emiko因為參加夏令營缺了二堂課。這二堂課主要就是在考前複習這一期上課的內容,Emiko 因為無法上課,所以,她自己在家裡利用空閒的時候複習。
成績公佈,她以96分的高分拿下第一名。口試的確考得不佳,被扣了三分,都是因為回答時時態用錯;另外,聽力也被扣了一分,把 pedalboat 拼成 padleboat 。其它筆試部份都全對,包含一篇英文作文,老師也給上滿分,寫下了 excellent 的評語。
您好,我常來您的部落格潛水,很喜歡您的文章也很佩服您可以讓小朋友的暑假過得如此充實. Emiko才小五就可以寫出這麼流暢的英文作文,真的是好厲害喔!! 同事的小孩剛升上國一,英文從幼稚園補到小六的兒子居然連課本都看不懂,句子都念不出來...最近剛好想幫升小三的女兒找英文補習班,能冒昧請問一下你們讀的是哪一家嗎? 謝謝喔!
回覆刪除不知妳方便留e-mail給我,或是發信到 emikoamy@gmail.com
能冒昧請問一下你們讀的是哪一家英語補習班嗎? 感恩! srliu9012@yahoo.com.tw